Roland Frasier: 10-Year Wealth Shortcut: How To Use Consulting To Get Paid, Add Recurring Revenue, Get Equity Deals! 

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Roland Frasier breaks down the five levels of compensation for consultants
  • The problems with giving free advice and how to get retained by clients 
  • What is Consulting For Equity?
  • ​Roland Frasier explains why Consulting For Equity is his favorite model for accumulating wealth and why cash is not the only resource you can use to invest 
  • ​Roland’s advice for consultants: don’t be a broker in a deal
  • ​The criteria Roland uses to get partnerships and clients 
  • ​Roland talks about why he loves selling companies as a wealth accumulation tool rather than getting paid transactionally
  • ​The value of getting equity for an existing business versus starting a business from scratch
  • ​How to get your dream clients and the common misconceptions about the Consulting For Equity model

In this episode…

Are you a current or aspiring consultant looking to get compensated and add recurring revenue? What if there was more than one way to achieve these goals?

According to Roland Frasier, there are a lot of misconceptions about consulting. For one: when done correctly, it should be totally different from brokering. And, the best way to get paid as a consultant is not always with cash. So, how can you help people grow their businesses and make more money — while also improving your compensation at the same time? Roland says the answer lies in the Consulting For Equity model.   

In this episode of The Ed O’Keefe Show, Ed O’Keefe chats with Roland Frasier, a successful serial entrepreneur and business mentor. They talk about Roland’s favorite wealth accumulation model: Consulting For Equity. They also discuss the five levels of compensation for consultants, how to get clients to retain you, and the key to working with your dream clients. Stay tuned to learn this and more.

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